My Photography Tips

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Coming into my 11th year of being a photographer I have learnt some things you need to watch for! Here are 7 tips to help you take amazing photos!

  1. Check your lighting - Lighting is a crucial part of photography. It can make or break an image! If you are shooting people never shoot at mid day. If there is no way around it shoot in full shadow. If you are shooting landscape think of what type of sky you want. Do you want blue, orange or red tones?

  2. Watch for harsh shadows - As I said above don't shoot people in the middle of the day! If it is cloudy or overcast it can work as the clouds take the harsh shadows away and diffuse the sun. If you choose to shoot in half shadow it can create harsh lines on the face. I like to look at the face before I even look through the camera to check for bad shadows. Especially under the eyes.

  3. Plan your shoot - Now that you have considered the light and how to avoid harsh shadows start your planning. What time is best for what you want to do? What do you need to pack? Do you need props? Are you shooting kids? Maybe take balloons or lollies. Each shoot needs different equipment so make sure you pack what you need. And of course check you have a SD card and full battery.

  4. Use the rule of thirds - Rule of thirds is such an easy technique that can make or break a photo. Of course rules can be broken but generally speaking I an trying to tell a story in my photo. Lining up the horizon in the top or bottom third can add extra effect tour image if your shooting landscape. Or having a subject in the left or right hand side of the frame can lead the eye to where you want it to go.

  5. Check what’s in your frame - There is nothing worst that getting home from a shoot loading your photos and then seeing you have a yellow bin in the background that distract he eyes straight away. Of course we have lots of options for post production these days but I will always try and capture what I want in camera to save time later. While you are out shooting look and what is distracting i the background and it you can't move it change where you are to avoid it.

  6. Change your perspective - A simple move up, down or side to side can completely can change how your image turns out. A change your perspective can drastically change an image and help to tell a story. Try it! It can also be so much fun.

  7. Check your horizon is straight - Always check if your horizon is straight. Again it can be adjusted later but if you need to crop too much you lose to much quality. I always check mine before and after I have shot the re shoot if I need to.

Photography is like driving car. Remember getting into the drivers side for the first time being overwhelmed and thinking how will I remember all of this? Photography is the same! Once you get the hang of it it will get easier! Happy snapping!!!

Jayde Guest